not authorized to access on type query appsync

Now lets take a closer look at what happens when using the AWS_LAMBDA authorization mode in AppSync. This issue has been automatically locked since there hasn't been any recent activity after it was closed. If you're using amplify Authorization module you're probably relaying in aws_cognito_user_pools . By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Thanks for letting us know this page needs work. You can use private with userPools and iam. RV coach and starter batteries connect negative to chassis; how does energy from either batteries' + terminal know which battery to flow back to? We could of course brute force it by just replacing all auth VTL resolvers to remove that if-block, but that isn't something we are considering because of the maintenance overhead as auto-generated VTL resolvers evolve over time. When using Amazon Cognito User Pools, you can create groups that users belong to. AWS AppSync simplifies application development by creating a universal API for securely accessing, modifying, and combining data from multiple sources. To be able to use private the API must have Cognito User Pool configured. Why can't I read relational data when I use iam for auth, but can read when authenticated through cognito user pools. To learn the difference between using roles and resource-based policies for cross-account access, see How IAM roles differ from resource-based policies in the object, which came from the application. I was previously able to query the API with this piece of code: Note that I specify the auth type as AWS_IAM, so I was expecting this to work like before. execute query getSomething(id) on where sure no data exists. rev2023.3.1.43269. We recommend designing functions to Lambda functions used for authorization require a principal policy for To learn how to provide access to your resources across AWS accounts that you own, see Providing access to an IAM user in another AWS account that you an Identity object that has the following values: To use this object in a DynamoDBUpdateItem call, you need to store the user You can use public with apiKey and iam. You can start using Lambda authorization in your existing and new APIs today in all the regions where AppSync is supported. Select the region for your Lambda function. Partner is not responding when their writing is needed in European project application, Change color of a paragraph containing aligned equations. minutes,) but this can be overridden at an API level or by setting the Once youve signed up, sign in, click on Add City, and create a new city: Once you create a city, you should be able to click on the Cities tab to view this new city. /.well-known/openid-configuration to the issuer URL and locates the OpenID configuration at to use more than one authorization mode. policies with this authorization type. type Query { getMagicNumber: Int } If you enjoyed this article, please clap n number of times and share it! template. Using AppSync, you can create scalable applications, including those requiring real . mobile: AWSPhone! @auth( Give your API a name, for example, "Magic Number Generator". Clarity Request: Unexpected "Not Authorized" with IAM and Transformer v2,,, Unexpected "Not Authorized" with Lambda Authorizer and Transformer v2, Lambda Function GraphQL Authentication issues, Amplify V2 @auth allow public provider iam returns unauthorized when using Appsync Graphql Queries, Not Authorized to access getUser on type User. signing We engage with our Team Members around the world to support their careers and development, and we train our Team Members on relevant environmental and social issues in support of our 2030 Goals. Click Create API. Hi @danrivett - Just wanted to follow up to see whether the workaround solved the issue for your application. getPost field on the Query type. mapping template in this case as follows: If the caller doesnt match this check, only a null response is returned. The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: I would also add that this is currently a blocker for us to continue our migration from the v1 transformer to the v2 transformer, until we find a good solution to the problem above. Have a question about this project? to the JSON Web Key Set (JWKS) document with the signing The operation is either executed or rejected as unauthorized depending on the logic declared in our resolver. At the same time, a backend system powered by an AWS Lambda function can push updates to clients through the same API by assuming an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role to authorize requests. either by marking each field in the Post type with a directive, or by marking We have several GraphQL models such as the following: On v1 of the GraphQL Transformer, this works great. @aws_oidc - To specify that the field is OPENID_CONNECT Note that we use two different formats to specify the denied fields, both are valid. This issue is that the v2 Transformer now adds additional role-based checks unrelated to the operations listed when IAM is used as the authentication mechanism. }, We are getting "Not Authorized to access updateBroadcastLiveData on type Mutation", edit: it was fixed as soon as I changed: By default, this caching time is 300 seconds (5 a Trust Policy needs to be added in order for AWS AppSync to assume the role. This Section describes the additional terms and conditions under which you may (a) access and use certain features, technologies, and services made available to you by AWS that are not yet generally available, including, but not limited to, any products, services, or features labeled "beta", "preview", "pre-release", or . API (GraphQL) Setup authorization rules @auth Authorization is required for applications to interact with your GraphQL API. I'm not sure if it's currently used when iam is set as the AuthProvider, but if not, potentially we could specify something like: Specifying that would mean this particular iamCheck() function would not be invoked by mutation resolver generators. Very informative issue, and it's already included in the new doc, following CLI command: When you add additional authorization modes, you can directly configure the The supported request types are queries (for getting data from the API), mutations(for changing data via the API), and subscriptions(long-lived connections for streaming data from the API). Thanks again for your help @rrrix ! The number of seconds that the response should be cached for. More information about @owner directive here. your OpenID Connect configuration, AWS AppSync validates the claim by requiring the clientId to Lambda authorization functions: A boolean value indicating if the value in authorizationToken is indicating if the request is authorized. is there a chinese version of ex. Help me understand the context behind the "It's okay to be white" question in a recent Rasmussen Poll, and what if anything might these results show? modes. To understand how the additional authorization modes work and how they can be specified Multiple Authorization methods in a single GraphQL API with AWS AppSync: Security at the Data Definition Level | by Ed Lima | Medium 500 Apologies, but something went wrong on our end.. I did take a look at your suggestion briefly though, and without testing it, I agree with you that I think it should work, if I've identified and understood the relevant code line in iamAdminRoleCheckExpression() correctly. If you already have two, you must delete one key pair before creating a new one. application can leverage the users and groups in your user pools and associate these with If this is 0, the response is not cached. 9 comments lenarmazitov commented on Jul 20, 2020 amplify add auth amplify add api with any schema with authenticate user Based on @jwcarroll's comment - this was fixed with v 4.27.3 and we haven't see any reports of this issue post that. Amazon Cognito User Pool or OpenID Connect provider using the corresponding configuration regular The text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: Hi @ChristopheBougere, try this @auth rule addition on your types: If you want to also use an API Key along with IAM and Cognito, use this: Notice I added new rules, and modified your original owner and groups rules. To add this functionality using our existing setup, we only need to do one thing: update the listCities resolver to query only for the data created by the currently logged in user. This means But this broke my frontend because that was protecting the read operation. You can associate Identity and Access Management (IAM) access AppSync receives the Lambda authorization response and allows or denies access based on the isAuthorized field value. Choose Create data source, enter a friendly Data source name (for example, Lambda ), and then for Data source type, choose AWS Lambda function. original OIDC token for authentication. modes, Fine-grained We recommend joining the Amplify Community Discord server *-help channels for those types of questions. However, it appears that $authRoles uses a lambda's ARN/name, not its execution role's ARN like you have described. ttlOverride value in a function's return value. @aws_lambda - To specify that the field is AWS_LAMBDA To further restrict access to fields in the Post type you can use The preferred method of authorization relies on IAM with tokens provided by Cognito User Pools or other OpenID Connect providers. To use the Amazon Web Services Documentation, Javascript must be enabled. For example, if the following structure is returned by a You can use the latest version of the Amplify API library to interact with an AppSync API authorized by Lambda. identity information in the table for comparison. administrator for assistance. Searched a lot but my stackOverFlow skills weren't coming handy when it came to @auth. Expected behavior If this value is reference, Resolver If you lose your secret key, you must create a new access key pair. Hello, seems like something changed in amplify or appsync not so long time ago. What are some tools or methods I can purchase to trace a water leak? We've had this architecture for over a year and has worked well, but we ran into this issue described in this ticket when we tried to migrate to the v2 Transformer. The JWT is sent in the authorization header & is available in the resolver. For services that support resource-based policies or access control lists (ACLs), you can use those policies to grant You can use the deniedFields array to specify which operations the user is not allowed to access. cart: [CartItem] If you want to restrict access to just certain GraphQL operations, you can do this for There may be cases where you cannot control the response from your data source, but you Select AWS Lambda as the default authorization mode for your API. Hi @danrivett - It is due to the fact that IAM authorization looks for specific roles in V2 (that wasn't the case with V1). authorization header when sending GraphQL operations. Aws Amplify Using Multiple Cognito User Pools in One GraphQL Api, Appsync authentification with public / private access without AWS Incognito, Appsync Query Returning Null with Cognito Auth. With the above configuration, we can use the following Node.js Lambda function sample code to be executed when authorizing GraphQL API calls in AppSync: The function checks the authorization token and, if the value is custom-authorized, the request is allowed. following applies: If the API has the AWS_LAMBDA and AWS_IAM authorization modes are enabled for AWS AppSync's API, do the following: To create a new Lambda authorization token, add random suffixes and/or prefixes on a schema, lets have a look at the following schema: For this schema, assume that AWS_IAM is the default authorization type on A request with no Authorization header is automatically denied. The following example error occurs when an IAM user named marymajor tries to use the console to perform an action in By clicking Sign up for GitHub, you agree to our terms of service and In this screen, choose City as the type, and create an additional index with an Index name of author-index and a primary key of . I just spent several hours battling this same issue. 2023, Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. }. To learn whether AWS AppSync supports these features, see How AWS AppSync works with IAM. As part of the app, we have built an admin tool that will be used by admin staff from the client's company as well as its customers. A JSON object visible as $ctx.identity.resolverContext in resolver GraphQL API, you can run this command: Update your AWS AppSync API to use the given Lambda function ARN as the However I just realized that there is an escape hatch which may solve the problem in your scenario. (Create the custom-roles.json file if it doesn't exist). authorization mechanism: The following methods can be used to circumvent the issue of not being able to use pool, for example) would look like the following: This authorization type enforces OpenID encounter when working with AWS AppSync and IAM. You cant use the @aws_auth directive along with additional authorization So I think this issue comes from me not quite understanding the relationship between AWS cognito user pools and the auth rules in a graphql schema. Though well be doing this in the context of a React application, the techniques we are going over will work with most JavaScript frameworks including Vue, React, React Native, Ionic, & Angular. This is wrong behavior, because if $ctx.result is NULL there should not be error. Similarly, you cant duplicate API_KEY, For more advanced use cases, you Not Authorized to access getSomeObject on type Query when result is empty. @auth( for DynamoDB. Not the answer you're looking for? arn:aws:appsync:us-east-1:111122223333:apis/GraphQLApiId/types/TypeName/fields/FieldName We will utilize this by querying the data from the table using the author-index and again using the $context.identity.username to identify the user. listVideos(filter: $filter, limit: $limit, nextToken: $nextToken) {. Not ideal but it fixes the issue for us with no code rewrite required. Please open a new issue for related bugs. To add this functionality, add a GraphQL field of editPost as my-example-widget specific grant-or-deny strategy on access. The @auth directive allows the override of the default provider for a given authorization mode. @aws_auth works only in the context of If you are already familiar with AWS AppSync & want to dive deeper on more complex user authorization examples, check out this recent post by Richard Threlkeld. Already on GitHub? When sharing an authorization function between multiple APIs, be aware that short-form Distance between the point of touching in three touching circles., Prior to this migration, when customers used owner-based authorization @auth(rules: [{allow: owner, operations: [read, update, delete]}]), the operations fields were used to deny others access to the listed operations. The problem is that Apollo don't cache query because error occurred. The authentication-type, which will be API_KEY. For more details, visit the AppSync documentation. You should be able to run the app by running react-native run-ios or react-native run-android. Navigate to the Settings page for your API. 5. mapping template will then substitute a value from the credentials (like the username)in a In future we'll look at a lighter-weight option, but I don't see a great DX option yet (it's been on our wishlist for a while, but haven't got there yet). console. Someone suggested on another thread to use custom-roles.json but that also didn't help despite me seeing changes reflecting with the admin roles into the vtls. Navigate to amplify/backend/api//custom-roles.json. Seems like an issue with pipeline resolvers for the update action. We are experiencing this problem too. and the Resolver The public authorization specifies that everyone will be allowed to access the API, behind the scenes the API will be protected with an API Key. I've set up a basic app to test Amplify's @auth rules. logic, which we describe in Filtering object only supports key-value pairs. Note You need to install and configure both npm and Amazon CLI before building your application. Currently I have queries for things like UserProfile which users most certainly have access to, create, but when trying to query for it, is throwing this "Not Authorized to access" error. If the AWS Management Console tells you that you're not authorized to perform an action, then you must contact your TypeName.FieldName. how does promise and useState really work in React with AWS Amplify? privacy statement. Now that we have a way to identify the user in a mutation, lets make it to where when a user requests the data, the only fields they can access are their own. AWS AppSync requires the JWKS to Thanks for letting us know we're doing a good job! However I understand that it is not an ideal solution for your setup. we have the same issue on our production environment after upgrading to 7.6.22, type BroadcastLiveData for authentication using Apollo GraphQL server Every schema requires a top level Query type. the @aws_auth directive, using the same arguments. If a response cache TTL has been set, AppSync evaluates whether there is an existing unexpired cached response that can be used to determine authorization. This means that fields that dont have a directive are It falls under HIPAA compliance and it's paramount that we do not allow unauthorized access to user data. (OIDC) tokens provided by an OIDC-compliant service. IAM User Guide. Thanks for letting us know we're doing a good job! A client initiates a request to AppSync and attaches an Authorization header to the request. Under Default authorization mode, choose API key. follows: The resolver mapping template for editPost (shown in an example at the end the Post type with the @aws_api_key directive. When using multiple authorization modes you can use AppSync directives in your GraphQL schema to restrict access to data types and fields based on the mode used to authorize the request. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. @PrimaryKey If you need help, contact your AWS administrator. When you create an access key pair, you are prompted to save the access key ID and secret access key in a secure location. relationship will look like below: Its important to scope down the access policy on the role to only have permissions to If you want to set access controls on the data based on certain conditions The problem is that the auth mode for the model does not match the configuration. billing: Shipping My goal was to give everyone read access and to give write access to Owner+Admin+Backend, this is why i intentionally omitted read in operations. Since we ran into this issue we reverted back to the v1 transformer in order to not be blocked, and so our next attempt to move to v2 is back in our backlog but we hope to work on in the next 4-6 weeks if we're unblocked. Error: GraphQL error: Not Authorized to access listVideos on type Query. 4 For example, in React you can use the following code: The AWS_LAMBDA authorization mode adds a new way for developers to enforce security requirements for their AppSync APIs. information is encoded in a JWT token that your application sends to AWS AppSync in an By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. GraphQL API. rev2023.3.1.43269. Well also show how to properly identify the currently authenticated user in a secure way in AWS AppSync, storing their username in the database as their unique identifier when they create resources. I've tried reading the aws amplify docs but haven't been able to properly understand how the graphql operations are effected by the authentication. id: ID! In the APIs dashboard, choose your GraphQL API. 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not authorized to access on type query appsync

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